Saturday, November 3, 2007


In school, it meant "smarter than the rest." I think it means much more, and applies to everyone. God has given every person on the planet a specific gift(s), as unique to them as their appearance and personality.

When I hear someone say, "That guy is gifted," I no longer assume his IQ is higher than the status quo. Instead, I recognize that he has found an outlet to utilize the unique abilities that have been planted in him, and it shows...cuz it always does!

In life, we make countless choices. One of my most recent, and I think most important, is to put my gifts to work like never before. There's much than I can do, but less that I should...cuz I'm not meant to do it all, and I'm most effective where I'm gifted. I'm learning to do less and lead more--inviting others into the game who can do it better than me because they're gifted for it!

Until we're using our gifts, we're only partially alive.