Thursday, August 14, 2008


For all those who grew up singing hymns in church, you might recall this word from one of the all-time greats. No, it's not the crotchety old man from A Christmas Carol that I'm referring to here (that's who I thought of first too!). It's from the song "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing," and we just sang it for the first time a month or so ago at Mercy Church (the first time ever for me).

Anyhow, there's a line in there that says, "Here I raise my ebenezer, here by Thy great help I've come." I suddenly had a vision of lifting a little Scrooge bobble head toward heaven as I sang those lyrics, and decided at that moment that I had to discover the meaning or else I would burst into laughter when we sang it on Sunday.

So check it out...this is cool. In I Samuel 7, the Israelites are returning to God after serving idols and foreign gods. They go to a place and humble themselves before God with fasting and prayer. Then their arch enemy, the Philistines, decides to come and attack them while they are vulnerable. They cry out to God all the more, and He answers their prayers by "thundering with loud thunder," throwing the Philistines into such a panic that they are defeated by the Israelites. Then the prophet Samuel sets a stone in that place, and names it Ebenezer, meaning "stone of help." Samuel says, "Thus far the Lord has helped us."

I thought that was awesome, mainly because now I could sing the song without laughing! (ha) But I found it very meaningful. I found myself reflecting on all that God has brought me through in my life. Times that I cannot deny His divine assistance in getting through a hard time, providing the means to pay bills that I had no money for, speaking words of comfort when my heart was gripped with fear.

It's those times that I too often forget about when I'm facing a new crisis. Suddenly I'm not quite sure if God's gonna show up and help me get through this, and I start freakin' out 'cause I'm gonna have to go it alone and figure this out for myself! Then I'm more tired and drained than I ought to be, my sleep is not restful, my food doesn't satisfy, and my mind doesn't stop!!

If it sounds like I know what I'm talking about, it's because this summer has been an Ebenezer for me. I'll look back on this summer as a point in my life and in my family where I can say, "Thus far God has helped us." And when we come face to face with the next mountain, I will remember this summer (and all the other times in my life where God was undeniably involved), and I won't allow myself to freak out (hopefully); I won't try to do it on my own. Because I know God is for me, and God is with me.

What are your Ebenezers?