Friday, May 16, 2008

Are You Good Enough?

Think of all the crap that's happened to you that you didn't deserve. Granted, sometimes we have to pay the consequences for our mistakes, but what about the stuff that comes out of the blue that just sucks?

Going through spiritual detox the past several years has been painfully delightful for me, and I'm finding more and more freedom in the realization that we live in a fallen world, and in the goodness of God. We don't deserve all the bad stuff, and when we need help, the big man's always there to help us make it through.

Along the path of life, there may come challenges, tragedies, and injustices that we in no way have brought on ourselves. Since sin made its entrance in the Garden of Eden, nothing has been the same. Some stuff just doesn't make sense, and it never will in this life.

I also know that despite my best efforts to be "good," I will either fail miserably or come frustratingly close without ever making it all the way. But here's the kicker: God is infinitely good, and He always makes up for my lack. And the sooner I swallow my pride and accept that truth, the better off I am.

So don't blame God, and don't blame yourself. (unless you really did rob that bank :-) Whatever comes, HIS goodness will get you through to the other side.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I's just thinkin' about the words to the first song I ever wrote:

"It matters not what people say
It matters not what people may do
For I know, Lord, that you are real
And I know Your word is true

Pressing onward toward the goal
I'll not have to worry, I'll not have to fear

Cuz I'm gonna keep my heart
And I'll keep my mind
Lord I'm gonna keep my life
Centered on You"

I know, I know...not exactly poetry! But after the worship set this Sunday, I felt such awesome peace and comfort inside of myself that I realized again what the key to the good life is all about. And it's all about being "centered" on God, His truth, His purposes, His goodness, His grace...

That's what worship does for me. Helps me get past myself to see how much bigger and better God is than I give Him credit for a lot of the time. Reminds me that it's really not all up to me, no matter how hard I work or how much I try. Paves the way for my worry and fear to be transplanted with faith and hope.

Whatever helps you to center yourself on God, do it...and do it often!