Wednesday, June 23, 2010

8 Years and Counting

Yesterday my wife & I celebrated our eighth anniversary. Crazy how time flies when you're having fun! :-) But I'm so glad I married the woman I did, and here's a few reasons why:

1) She is beautiful. Not just the "super gorgeous" kind of beautiful, cuz she is, but I mean TRULY beautiful. Her insides match her outsides. She is compassionate, caring, honest, intuitive, lovably stubborn, and willing to sacrifice for the greater good. Her love for God is reflected in the way she lives and how she treats others; it's not just something that she talks about.

2) She is real. She doesn't sugar-coat the truth, which I so appreciate (except for the times she calls me on the carpet, which has only happened like once...ha!). She shoots straight and calls it how she sees it, simplifying the process of getting to the heart of the matter, whatever it may be.

3) She is funny. Seriously, she cracks me up all the time. Even when I wish she would stop the incessant sarcasm, somehow she turns it around on itself to make me laugh yet again (which is irritating when I'm really trying to be mad). God knew I needed someone who would balance my sometimes-too-serious outlook on life!

4) She is committed. Even when we're at odds, I know she's not thinking about walking out on me. We have had our share of knock-down, drag-out fights through the years, but we have learned to fight fair, to make amends as soon as possible, and to learn from each altercation (which are usually her fault anyhow...ha ha...yeah right!).

5) She is strong. Every time I play Mr. Mom and handle the kids on my own, I am amazed by what my wife does as a mother, as well as a wife! Truth is I couldn't do what she does, and I know it. She is gifted in ways that I am not, and I'm evermore grateful that she is mine with each passing day.

If you haven't told the one you love WHY you love them so much...remind them--and yourself.

1 comment:

Me and My Boys said...

Wow! She sounds amazing! heehee:) Really though, thank you so much honey. I love you too and think you're an amazing husband and father. I can't imagine my life with out you. No one is better for me or our family than YOU! I LOVE YOU!!!